what is bowen therapy?
Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions.

Renew. Rest. Refresh!

Who is Bowen therapy good for?

Who is Bowen therapy good for?

Who is Bowen therapy good for?

It is good for everyone and I see people of all ages, genders, persuasions, backgrounds and beliefs. 

The types of movements of the Bowen treatment and that no oil is used like in a massage, clients are able to remain clothed. Making the treatments accessible to so many more people.

I enjoy working with everyone, hearing their stories, and understanding where their pain is coming from. Then using what I have learned and the skills I have to bring about a new state of being with greater possibilities.

Having a diverse mix of clients has many benefits. Growing my understanding of how Bowen therapy assists people of all ages and genders. Informing me in how I get to apply that knowledge with each new client.  

The therapy is so gentle it is used to help babies with things like reflux, improved bowel movements, and even sleep. 


Older kids have had assistance with bedwetting, eczema, respiratory issues, and anxiety. 

Couples through conception,

Women – pre and postnatal, period pain and other types of menstrual cycle-related issues right through to menopause and beyond.

Teens and adults with the effects of and with stress, anxiety, grief, depression, trauma and the business of life.

I find that women, men, transgender and non-binary people all come to Bowen from different spaces. They are also recommended to me in a variety of ways. 

My aim always is to treat the person in front of me with care and respect, ready to listen to understand. To assist them to have an improved experience of life from what they currently are.


Clients of all ages have positive experiences with Bowen therapy; many use it as part of their ongoing health and well-being.  

Bowen therapy as it helps with all the above, can provide change very quickly at times. At the end of a treatment clients tell me a they feel lighter, more limber and relaxed. Ready to sleep, ready to get going, like myself again, freer, and their smiles are priceless. 

Any questions about how Bowen therapy or any of my other programs may help you are welcome.

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